
We are Wellington | First friends from Early Years to Prep

WCIS WellingtonCollegeSH 2023-03-30

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As part of our ongoing We are Wellington series, we ask our wider Wellington community — parents, pupils and staff members — to share their experiences of the College and talk about what makes Wellington special to them. This week, William Tan joins us to talk about how his son Wilson’s experience in our Early Years Centre paved the way for a smooth transition to Prep School.

Building character, resilience and self-confidence

"We try to focus not only on our child’s academic achievements but also on his general wellbeing, character and personality development. We wanted him to build self-confidence, resilience and social skills. We also wanted him to broaden his horizons as early as possible with new experiences like playing sports or musical instruments and learning in a bilingual environment alongside other children from different cultures. We saw that Wellington’s Early Years Centre offers all of this, and we felt that their values aligned with ours. So, when a space became available for our son in 2019, we immediately enrolled him without a second thought."

"It is always a challenge when starting school. A new environment full of unfamiliar faces can be daunting even for adults! It was no exception for our son. In the beginning, he was reluctant to get up in the morning to go to school. He would throw himself on the floor, kicking, screaming and crying if things did not go his way. But he soon got into the routine of going to school, and we reinforced it with our own consistent code of conduct. Eventually, he learned how to express his feelings and emotions constructively. At school, he began building relationships and making new friends. Which also helped him to progress in his learning."

A smooth transition to Prep School

"To our surprise, it did not take much time for our son to settle into life at the main campus. I think it has to do with the deep bonds he made with his classmates at the Early Years Centre. He felt more secure, less anxious and less intimidated. Early Years Centre pupils have lots of opportunities to interact with the main campus through annual activities like the Chinese New Year art exhibit, the Christmas choir, the Winter Market, Summer Festival and regular stage performances. We constantly reminded him that he would one day study there, so he was already well prepared."

A close-knit community of pupils, parents and teachers

"Our son has a lot of close friends at Wellington not just because they are in the same classes and CCAs, but also because they play tennis together, go on ski trips, ride bicycles together outside of school and more. We are friends with other parents in the parent group, Friends of Wellington (FOW) as well. Hanging out with other parents who share the same ideas about education also helps all our children stay closer. They form stronger friendships and develop a sense of community. They also compete and positively encourage each other \socially and academically. I would strongly encourage parents to participate in FOW events. I, myself, am an active member now. There are so many activities throughout the year that are not only beneficial for the children but also parents. We often meet parents between the two campuses, and its wonderful to have them as part of the family journey."

Making first friends for life

"Enrolling our son in the Early Years Centre helped him build a solid foundation for life at the main campus. He had the opportunity to make friends and gain a unique level of trust and mutual understanding that would be harder to establish had he not grown up with his fellow pupils in this environment. And the most obvious benefit of having so many close friends is that our son is always looking forward to the school day. Moreover, we never worry about him getting bullied or being unable to make friends. There is so much harmony between pupils, teachers and parents. It is the best imaginable schooling experience for our child."

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